- May 12, 2022
General Knowledge Test-25
Q1. Wi-Fi uses which of the following medium to transmit information between a device and a router?
- Infrared rays
- Ultra Violet rays
- Micro waves
- Radio waves
Q2. A rainbow is a spectrum of light in rainy season appearing in the sky is formed due to
- Reflection of light
- Refraction of light
- Dispersion of light
- All of the above
Q3. “Tryst with Destiny” was a speech delivered on the eve of India’s Independence towards midnight on 14 August 1947 by whom?
- Mahatma Gandhi
- Jawaharlal Nehru
- Sardar Vallabhai Patel
- Lal Bahudur Shastri
Q4. Who was the first and the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice in two scientific fields?
- Marie Curie
- Linus Pauling
- Bardeen
- Irène Joliot-Curie
Q5.”The Statue of Liberty” was a gift of friendship to the United States by the people of which country?
- United Kingdom
- Russia
- France
- Japan
Q1-4 | Q2-4 | Q3-2 | Q4-1 | Q5-3 |
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