- January 30, 2023
OLABS- a digital Labaratory for students

Schooling is incomplete without doing experiments in a Laboratory. School Children are introduced to various subjects and concepts in their classes. Teachers teach theory in class but students may not understand or may not have clarity of some concepts in subjects like Physics, chemistry, Biology, Mathematics. Students may have curiosity to know
- How Newton laws work
- How Simple pendulum works
- Importance of light in photosynthesis
- Adaptation in Animals
- Volume of Sphere
In order to get clarity, students should visit a Laboratory in the School. We know Laboratory is a place where scientific equipment’s or Instruments are there for conducting experiments, research, or teaching. The lab in charge teacher will explain how the instruments work and show how they work. Students will do those experiments on the equipment and get lot of knowledge on several of concepts. Experimenting not only gives knowledge but gives lot of fun and confidence.
But all schools may not have proper laboratories or instruments in laboratories. In those schools, students miss the opportunity to do experiments or understand the concepts.
So in order to facilitate the opportunity of laboratory, Government of India has developed a online Lab facility called OLABS.
The OLABS is being developed by the Government of India collaborating with Amrita and CDAC based on the idea that lab experiments can be taught using the Internet, more efficiently and less expensively.
The following features are included in OLABS :
- Content aligned to NCERT/CBSE and State Board Syllabus.
- Physics, Chemistry, Biology Labs
- English and Maths lessons
- Interactive simulations, animations and lab videos.
- The concepts and understanding of the experiment.
- The ability to perform, record and learn experiments – anywhere, anytime, and individualized practice in all areas of experimentation.
The ‘learning-enabled assessment’ through OLabs facilitates in the assessment of; the procedural and manipulative skills of the experiment, the concepts and understanding of the experiment and a student’s reporting and interpreting skills.
The website of OLabs is http://www.olabs.edu.in.
Students , Teachers and Schools can access to OLabs website after registration.