- January 21, 2025

In the era of dynamic world and ever changing technologies, Ordinary Degree without the Domain Knowledge, Soft Skills, Communication Skills, Competitive spirit and Critical thinking will not fetch a good and decent Career. But all these might not be acquired in the in the College days due to lack of qualified resource persons or opportunity to learn. In order to bridge this gap and to boost the career and personal growth, Government of India has developed a unique platform called SWAYAM to learn from anywhere from the qualified persons with free of cost.
SWAYAM stands for “Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds” and it is instrumental for self-actualization providing opportunities for a life-long learning.
This is done through a platform that facilitates hosting of all the courses, taught in classrooms from Class 9 till post-graduation to be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time. All the courses are interactive, prepared by the best teachers in the country and are available, free of cost to any learner. More than 1,000 specially chosen faculty and teachers from across the country have participated in preparing these courses for
- School Education
- Out-of-School Education
- Under-Graduate Education
- Post-Graduate Education
- Non-Technical Education
The courses hosted on SWAYAM are in 4 quadrants – (1) video lecture, (2) specially prepared reading material that can be downloaded/printed (3) self-assessment tests through tests and quizzes and (4) an online discussion forum for clearing the doubts.
In order to ensure that best quality content is produced and delivered, the following ten National Coordinators have been appointed.
- AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education) for self-paced and international courses
- NPTEL (National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) for Engineering
- UGC (University Grants Commission) for non technical post-graduation education
- CEC (Consortium for Educational Communication) for under-graduate education
- NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) for school education
- NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) for school education
- IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University) for out-of-school students
- IIMB (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore) for management studies
- NITTTR (National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research) for Teacher Training programme
- INI (Institutes of National Importance) for Non-Technical Courses
There is no specific eligibility / age criterion for any of the online courses. The faculty of a particular course may recommend some basic knowledge of certain topics for a person to fully grasp the contents of a course. Anyone may join an online course and register for the exam.
You can choose from hundreds of courses, that is taught at the university / college / school level. More than 1,000 teachers and lecturers from across the Country have participated in preparing these courses.
The courses delivered through SWAYAM are available free of cost to the learners, but students who need certificate will write a proctored exam which has a nominal fee.
You can go through the exclusive website/ app developed and explore the Courses available, duration, date of exam etc
Hope you will be benefitted from the learning of topics which you have interest and need for your Career and Personal growth.
Website of SWAYAM
Image courtesy: Swayam website.