• April 17, 2024

Desert- an Unique landscape -Interesting Facts

Desert- an Unique landscape -Interesting Facts

Though Deserts are most inhabitable landscape, but they are unique and interesting in their features and characteristics.  Let us find the facts of Deserts.

  • They are among the oldest topographical features on Earth and they found on every continent of Earth
  • An area which receive less than 12.5 cm of rainfall a year considered to be Desert
  • The oldest Desert is the Namib of South Africa followed by Kalahari in Africa, Gobi in Central Asia and the Atacama in South America.
  • Although “desert” have sand dunes but also have the mountain, dry expanses of rocks, sand, or salt flats.
  • Most of the World’s hot deserts located in Tropics and Temperature extremes are a characteristic of most deserts.
  • Though Deserts are famous in Hot areas but they also in cold areas and named as Cold Deserts like Gobi Deserts, Polar Deserts of Arctic And Antarctic.
  • The driest deserts such as Chile’s Atacama Desert, have parts that receive less than two mm of precipitation a year.
  • The diurnal range of temperature in the deserts is very high i.e Temperature difference between day and night time is very high.
  • Evolution and Adaptation of flora and fauna is the reason behind the presence of life in these inhabitable areas.






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