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“Learning gives creativity -Creativity leads to thinking -Thinking provides knowledge -Knowledge makes you great.”          ― A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

“Learning gives creativity -Creativity leads to thinking -Thinking provides knowledge -Knowledge makes you great.”          ― A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Curious Knowledge

Curious Knowledge

Summer Holidays- Opportunity to change your life

Summer Holidays- Opportunity to change your life

Hi Children, Pongal is over and your Academic Year is moving towards end. After SA-II or Year-end exams

Taglines- Company’s Punchline for Promotions

Taglines- Company’s Punchline for Promotions

Hi Children, Children have you heard of these phrases “Think Different”, “Impossible is nothing”, “Imagination at work”…These phrases

Amazing facts of Google- Everybody’s digital Companion

Amazing facts of Google- Everybody’s digital Companion

Hi Children, It will be a surprise to complete a day without using the Google and its products.

Environment Pollution: An increasing challenge for 21st Century

Environment Pollution: An increasing challenge for 21st Century

We all know that world Population is increasing day by day and India became the world largest country

Is it necessary to read a daily News Paper ?

Is it necessary to read a daily News Paper ?

We all know that in many of the houses, Women used to wait for milk and Men used

Heat Island Effect : An alarming threat for Urban People

Heat Island Effect : An alarming threat for Urban People

Children you are much familiar with the word “Island”. It is the land surrounded by water from all

Geographical Indication Tag(GI Tag)- Identity for a Skilled and Unique

Geographical Indication Tag(GI Tag)- Identity for a Skilled and Unique

We born in a village, town or a city, We use different products in everyday life, we encounter

Desert- an Unique landscape -Interesting Facts

Desert- an Unique landscape -Interesting Facts

Though Deserts are most inhabitable landscape, but they are unique and interesting in their features and characteristics.  Let

Career Awareness

Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC)-2024 : PM’s unique interactive program

Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC)-2024 : PM’s unique interactive program

We all know the legendary former President of India Mr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam had introduced a great legacy i.e interacting

Are you feared of Board Exams? How to be ready to fetch good score?

Are you feared of Board Exams? How to be ready to fetch good score?

Every student feels that Board Exams or Public exams are very important and they have to clear the

OMR Sheet: An Answer sheet for MCQ based Exam

OMR Sheet: An Answer sheet for MCQ based Exam

All Students and Job aspirants should write an entrance examination or competitive examination either to get a seat

How to become a Doctor?

How to become a Doctor?

Almost all students get a career related questions from teachers, family members, friends like what is your ambition

OLABS- a digital Labaratory for students

OLABS- a digital Labaratory for students

Schooling is incomplete without doing experiments in a Laboratory. School Children are introduced to various subjects and concepts

Four Pillars for Successful life

Four Pillars for Successful life

Children are born to blossom in their life. We know Knowledge and hard work are two pillars for

Is your dream to become a “Doctor”? Know how to fulfill it.

Is your dream to become a “Doctor”? Know how to fulfill it.

When somebody asks you, what do you want to become in your life? Many of the children told

Quiz & Work Sheets

General Knowledge Test-30

General Knowledge Test-30

“Time and Tide wait for none” is an idiom said to emphasize that people cannot stop the passing

General Knowledge Test-29

General Knowledge Test-29

Reading and completing a book just to pass the examination will not give knowledge. Knowledge on any topic

General Knowledge Test-28

General Knowledge Test-28

Basic Knowledge of all subjects is very essential to build the specialized knowledge on any one area of

General Knowledge Test-27

General Knowledge Test-27

Students can choose the right career with informed resources by pros and cons of the career. Interest and

General Knowledge Test-26

General Knowledge Test-26

Practice of questions belongs to various subjects and concepts in random manner will boost the thinking ability and

General Knowledge Test-25

Q1. Wi-Fi uses which of the following medium to transmit information between a device and a router? Infrared

General Knowledge Test- 24

General Knowledge Test- 24

Holistic Knowledge building on all subjects and topics  is a process and The 5 Ws and 1 H

General Knowledge Test- 23

General Knowledge Test- 23

General Knowledge Test- 23     Q1. What is the name of the process by which a solar