- January 9, 2022
Do you want to do research in Ocean Sciences in India? Know the institutes.

NIOT ,INCOIS & NCPOR -India’s Pioneer Organisations on Ocean and Polar Research under Ministry of Earth Sciences.
NIOT–Chennai– National Institute of Ocean Technology, Chennai- Institute is working to provide indigenous technology to explore ocean resources both living and non living mineral resources such as deep sea fishing, desalination technology and deep sea mining of metallic nodules.
INCOIS–Hyderabd-Indian National Center for Ocean Information Services, Hyderabad- Institute is dedicated to provide ocean information to govt and public on Ocean weather, Tsunami warnings, Cyclone and fishing zones.
NCPOR– Vasco-da-Gama, Goa– National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) is India’s premier R&D institution responsible for the country’s research activities in the Polar and Southern Ocean realms.
Career prospects:
Graduate and post graduate students of Engineering , Sciences and life sciences who have desire to participate in R&D can choose career in these institutes.