• March 1, 2023

Staff Selection Commission: Annual Calender of Exams for 2023-24

Staff Selection Commission: Annual Calender of Exams for 2023-24

Many of the Job aspirants know about the Central Government Jobs i.e Jobs in the offices of Government of India and they have a dream to become a Central Government employee. Having awareness about what types of Jobs available, Qualification for those jobs, process of selection etc is important to take a decision to prepare for the examination.

Union Public Service Commission recruits All India Service officers, Group-A and Group-B (Gazetted) through Civil Service Examination and other Examinations.

But all Group ‘B’ (Non-Gazetted) and Group ‘C’ (Non-Technical) posts are recruited by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) in various Ministries / Departments of the Government of India and their Attached and Subordinate Offices  like Constitutional / Statutory bodies and also in the Union Territory (UT) of Ladakh.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) conducts seven mandated All India Open Competitive Examinations every year through Notifications viz. :

  1. Combined Graduate Level Examination
  2. Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination
  3. Junior Engineer (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Surveying & Contracts) Examination
  4. Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police and Central Armed Police Forces Examination
  5. Junior Hindi Translator, Junior Translator and Senior Hindi Translator Examination
  6. Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ Examination
  7. Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff Examination.

Besides above, the Commission conducts three Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations:-

  1. Junior Secretariat Assistant / Lower Division Clerk Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.
  2. Senior Secretariat Assistant / Upper Division Clerk Grade Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.
  3. Grade ‘C’ Stenographers Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.

Mode of Examination

The Computer Based Mode (CBM) Objective Type Multiple Choice Examinations.

One-Time Registration

Candidates are required to register only once on the Commission’s website.


Consequently, they are issued ‘Registration Numbers’ and ‘Passwords’ which are used by them in various examinations conducted by the Commission.

Tentative Calender

SSC release Tentative calendar for conducting of various examinations for the next calendar year. Job aspirants can follow up the commission’s website for all notifications, Exam keys, Results etc from time to time.

Job aspirants can choose the Exam to prepare based on eligibility, qualifications ,syllabus of examination and other skills required as well as Subject Knowledge, General Awareness and Aptitude. Aspirants can have preparation strategy to crack the exam.

The tentative Calendar for the Year 2023-24 released by the SSC and can go through the following SSC Website link.










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