• January 30, 2023

Four Pillars for Successful life

Four Pillars for Successful life

Children are born to blossom in their life. We know Knowledge and hard work are two pillars for successful academic life. But academic success only does not define Success in Life. Other two pillars like Aptitude and Attitude also plays a major role to achieve success in life holistically.


As per the dictionary meaning knowledge is “facts, information, and skills acquired through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject”. How are these acquired?.

Knowledge can be acquired by posing questions like what, why, where, when, whom and How on any topic. Every answer give some information and all answers made children knowledgeable on that topic. But how these questions can be developed? How to know the topics?

  • Reading- is the first and foremost method to acquire knowledge.
    • Reading academic books helps to understand about the curriculum
    • Reading Reference books helps for improving clarity and deeper understand of concepts.
    • Reading Magazines helps to get exposure to various non academic topics, General Knowledge , Time management, skills, current affairs and analysis
    • Reading Story books improves vocabulary, imagination, creative thinking and cognitive ability.
  • Interaction-talking to friends, family and teachers on various issues will improve the listening skills; know the new facts and knowledge on various topics.
  • Observation– Many facts, issues can be learnt through observation. Observation of anything makes children to think i.e. How is it? What is it? Thinking improves understating and clarity of the topic.


Every person has different work but what is the work of children? Children or Students work is to attend school, reading books, acquiring knowledge. All will do same work but few only topped the class or succeed. What makes them different? HARD WORK. What is it?

Hard work is putting extra effort, quality effort and Time management in every aspect like maintaining consistency in reading, writing, searching etc. Interest to think in different ways like logical thinking, critical thinking improves reasoning ability. Self-assessment and evaluation will give a chance for improvement.


Knowledge and hard work are best tools for fetching good marks/ranks but they may not sufficient for successful professional life. All academic rankers are not successful in their professional life. Only few will reach their targets or goals. What makes them not successful?

Aptitude along with Knowledge and hard work plays a role. Aptitude is a natural ability to do something. How is it possible?  It is possible with inherent intelligence with acquired skills over consistent effort and training. It requires talent in the subjects which are related to the profession like

  • Science, technology, engineering and math aptitude (STEM)
  • Statistics and probability
  • Programming skill
  • Commerce

A person with great Aptitude provides logical solutions to issues, decision making and manages the team or organization efficiently.


Having opinion on something is very important. Opinion gives a way to do further. Positive Opinion and Negative Opinion decide the behavior of the person and it makes a perception. Positive attitude brings the hope, confidence and energy to do work efficiently and effectively. Negative attitude brings hopelessness, no confidence and lack of energy to do work.

Maintaining the consistent positive attitude needs self-confidence, practice and implementation. For that one needs to be build better habits. Practicing small habits for longer duration give tremendous results.

So attitude is everything.






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