- January 13, 2022
What is UPSC Detailed Application form (DAF) for Civils?
Detailed Application Form (DAF) is required to submit by the Civil Services Aspirants who cleared the Prelimary Exam. It is like resume for any job which contains summary of important information about a candidate and the Interview board may ask the questions relevant to the candidates profile, skills and experience. So it is very important and may take extra care before filling it online. Once filled, no further option to modify.
UPSC is asking to submit the DAF-I and DAF-II by the Candidates in two spells.
The difference between DAF-I & DAF-II as follows.
DAF I- Detailed Application Form-I has to be submitted by the Candidates who qualified in the Preliminary Examinations and appearing for Main(Written) Exam. The details are to be submitted by the candidate as follows.
- Personal Information
- Educational Information
- Parental Information
- Employment Information
- Upload scanned copies of documents like
- Proof of Age
- Certificate in support of claim for age relaxation
- Educational Qualification
- Community Certificate if any.
- PH Certificate if any
- Undertaking “A” for Government employees in the prescribed format [for Government Employees only]
Detailed Application Form-II(DAF-II) has to be submitted by the Candidates who qualified in the Main (Written) Exam and appearing for Interview. The following details should be submitted.
A. The Order of Preferences for Participating Services among the following Services notified by the UPSC.
- Indian Administrative Service
- Indian Foreign Service
- Indian Police Service
- Indian Audit and Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Civil Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Corporate Law Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Defence Accounts Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Defence Estates Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Information Service, Junior Grade Group ‘A’
- Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian P&T Accounts and Finance Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Railway Protection Force Service, Group ‘A’
- Indian Revenue Service (Customs & Indirect Taxes) Group ‘A’
- Indian Revenue Service (Income Tax) Group ‘A’
- Indian Trade Service, Group ‘A’ (Grade III)
- Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service, Group ‘B’ (Section Officer’s Grade)
- Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Civil Service (DANICS), Group ‘B’
- Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service (DANIPS), Group ‘B’
- Pondicherry Civil Service (PONDICS), Group ‘B’
B. The Order of Preferences for Zone(s)/State(s) Cadre for IAS and IPS.[All India Services only]
Zones |
State Cadres |
Zone-I | AGMUT, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana |
Zone-II | Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha |
Zone-III | Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh |
Zone-IV | West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Nagaland, Tripura |
Zone-V | Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala |
Note: The candidates should read instructions issued by the UPSC carefully before filling in the online Detailed Application Form
Read also https://minds9.com/what-is-cadre-in-all-india-servicesais-how-it-is-allotted/