
General Knowledge Test-30

“Time and Tide wait for none” is an idiom said to emphasize that people cannot
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General Knowledge Test-29

Reading and completing a book just to pass the examination will not give knowledge. Knowledge
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General Knowledge Test-28

Basic Knowledge of all subjects is very essential to build the specialized knowledge on any
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Pomodoro Technique-The best time management tool

“Time and Tide wait for none” is the most prominent proverb says about the importance
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IITTM- A gateway to Travel & Tourism Education and Career

The greatest visible characteristics of development of any country is citizens discretionary spending on recreation
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General Knowledge Test-27

Students can choose the right career with informed resources by pros and cons of the
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General Knowledge Test-26

Practice of questions belongs to various subjects and concepts in random manner will boost the
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General Knowledge Test-25

Q1. Wi-Fi uses which of the following medium to transmit information between a device and
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General Knowledge Test- 24

Holistic Knowledge building on all subjects and topics  is a process and The 5 Ws
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Top Agricultural Research Institutes in India and their research areas

Indian agriculture and rural life have undergone tremendous transformation since independence.  India transformed from the
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